Many congratulations to Anouk Lang, one of our network members, who has recently been awarded funding from the AHRC. The award is for Research Development as part of the AHRC’s recently launched Cultural Value Project, and the project gets underway in January 2014. The project will use digital tools and methods to analyse and evaluate literary engagement in online contexts. It will investigate what can be learnt from the large body of user-generated data available on social media platforms about the value that reading brings to the lives of individuals and communities, and will explore what kinds of analytical methods are best suited to those investigations. The project will use a variety of forms of computational analysis, including methods from corpus linguistics (with the concordancing program AntConc); analysis of trends in word usage over time using a burst detection algorithm (using the Sci2 tool); and geospatial analysis (using the GIS package ArcGIS). Sounds like an exciting project, we look forward to following its progress!